About me

I am called… Jack.

That is what I’m called.

I have a first, a middle and last name.

Five foot, eleven inches,

maybe six.

Feet buried as roots are.

hair that is red as Autumn… like fox & kite.

all that makes me think of home

square jaw and its whiskered surface leads to these ears…

and burn when people speak of me.

Eyes sit apart…

I see,

Nose sloped like the hills.

My home was on a hill.

Beneath the valley of me lay

I am an artist.


bruised rose

I make what I make from card & plaster bandage,

glue & wood. I varnish then paint & varnish again.


My interests lie in myth & fable

I studied a Bachelors of Fine Art at University of the Arts London: Chelsea College of Art from 2014-2017. I am from Letchworth Garden City and now live and work in London.


I live upon a hill. and chalk moves underneath